Congratulations to Chris Roth (aka Visio Guy) who’s just finished a new book on, as the title describes, Using Visio 2010.
I haven’t got my hands on a paper copy yet, as Chris has, but I have had a look at the table of contents and sample chapters available over at the publisher’s site and it looks a pretty comprehensive read. I say read, but there’s also several hours of video and online material to accompany the book.
In the unlikely event that you read this blog and not VisGuy.com then you might not know that Chris is a long time Visio expert (even reaching back into the pre-Microsoft days). It’s no surprise then that his book gives you not just the ‘how’ but also the ‘why’ and ‘when’ to use a specific part of the Visio functionality.
I’m looking forward to buying my physical copy and I’d certainly recommend it to anyone wanting to become more productive in using this great visual tool.